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[1] 雅煊. 我国21世纪室内设计发展探述 我国室内设计发展现状[J]. 中国建设信息, 2001,(03)
[2] 安心平. 室内设计风格及模式之我见[J]. 山东省农业管理干部学院学报, 2002,(04)
[3] 修田. 美日室内设计管理制度(下)[J]. 中外房地产导报, 2001,(20)
[4] 乔治 S·瓦库伯, 卡萝尔·金·马修斯, 王粤■. 现实与挑战:20世纪末的室内设计[J]. 室内设计与装修, 1998,(01)
[5] 卜芳芳. 室内设计的灵魂——人物空间的合理协调[J]. 当代建设, 2001,(01)
[6] 瞿瑛. 小议室内设计[J]. 国际市场, 1995,(06)
[7] 本刊记者. “室内设计”与“室内装饰”大展八月即将在京隆重登场[J]. 国际木业, 2006,(06)
[8] 任文东. 思考WTO与中国室内设计业[J]. 室内设计与装修, 2000,(03)
[9] 曾坚, 劳智权, 陈涛, 马建民, 贾绍铭, 张青萍, 钱江帆, 董孝伦, 吴家骅, 唐葆亨, 杨文嘉, 李书才, 史庆堂. 走向二十一世纪的室内设计工作室[J]. 室内设计与装修, 1996,(01)
[10] 黎志涛. 任重道远——从参加室内设计、装饰工程评标所想到的[J]. 室内设计与装修, 1999,(06)如果有更多问题,可以点击ID咨询。

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评价评分:「为受困于高房价的青年同胞解忧排难」 推荐度★ ★ ★ ★ ★,清晰度★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

内容介绍:时下,越来越多的年轻人被高房价“逼”进了几十平米的小户型。面对如此狭小的空间,如何装修便成为了首席难题:如何最大限度利用空间使得空间显得宽敞?如何在迷你空间彰显个性和品位?央视《交换空间》栏目也多次对他们的设计作品进行了摄制推荐! 书中结合大量精彩实景照片为您破解小户型装修之道。

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Brief analysis family indoor design color factor
[Abstract] color is the emotional expression of a language, it is an expression of the human heart in some very complex feelings. Color design is known as the "soul." It is the interior design of the most vivid, the most active, has a pivotal position. The success of design is the color we can meet the aesthetic demands of the residents is to express indiviality.

[Key words] color interior design

First, color interior design is an important part of the
The interior color design to be considered by a lot of factors which include space, form, structure, light, materials and colors. However, the design factors are often ignored is the color. This approach is often the color will not achieve the best results. Color choice should be included in the overall design of the building, and not like to deal with after the deal. The success of design is the color of all colors and other materials as a color combination to deal with. The most successful interior design and color of the overall design objectives.
Second, the interior design of the basic requirements for color
Interior design in color, there are many factors that influence the design of color. The main factors include the inherent interior. For example: the use of space for different purposes, such as workshops, wards, obviously taking into account the requirements of color, reflect the character and atmosphere of the formation varies. Another example: interior design can be different color space, in the form of further stressed or weakened. Of course, is also the interior design color reference, in a different direction under natural light colors are different, there are differences in a sense of well-being, may be used to adjust the color.
Factors include the "residents". For example: the use of space, the type of person. Men, women and children of color requires a lot of difference between the colors should meet the preferences of the residents, another example: a user's activities in space and the use of the length of time. Learning classrooms, instrial proction workshop, a variety of activities and work, require a different line of sight conditions, in order to improve efficiency, safety and comfort. Finally, should also be factors, including the space around which the environmental factors. Color and the environment are closely linked, especially in the interior, reflective color can affect the other colors. And a different environment, through the outdoor landscape can be reflective to the interior, the color should also be made to coordinate with the surrounding environment.
Third, the color of the interior design
1. Color coordination. Indoor color design is the fundamental problem of color matching issues, Van Gogh said: "There is no bad colors, only with bad." Color effect of different colors depending on the relationship between the same color in different background conditions, a The results can be very different. Visual organs in accordance with the natural physiological conditions, with different colors on request. There will be a lot of visual color phenomenon. The vision colors of the organ to stimulate the instinct to carry out the swap in order to maintain visual physiological balance, and only when the color of the complementary relationship-building, the only vision and balance are met. 2. Indoor color composition. Color in the interior composition can often play a special role. (1) can cause people to hide or attention. (2) objects can have a swelling sense of contraction. (3) color can be fabricated in the form of indoor space, to break the pattern of the original space. (4) Color Indoor enable the object of varieties, materials, texture, form each other to form internal relations.

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