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发布时间: 2021-03-30 17:01:16

Ⅰ 谁有好一点的手绘墙图片素材,关于荷花的,越多越好,清晰度不要求!

你在网络上搜 尚善艺造官方网站
可以找到尚善艺造手绘墙的网站 网站上有图库 5000多张 您可以去看看~!!~!~

北京尚善艺造手绘墙 每平米60元起 正规公司 终身免费维护

Ⅱ 作文封面设计手绘荷花


Ⅲ 求PS素材,墨迹;祥云;古风模板;古风纹底;古风边框;荷花素材,全套急需啊!!!!


Ⅳ 手绘荷花铅笔画


Ⅳ 求荷花手绘图片。急需!

Ⅵ 手绘满池荷花的图片

Ⅶ 未开苞的荷花素材,也可以是像荷花未开苞的花。求

The lotus flower or 'Lien Hua' in Chinese, is regarded as a spiritual flower, with elegant beauty, a mystery that inspires a person taking root in muddy, murky water, the darkest of places, where he or she rises above to bloom beautiful, powerful on the surface. The lotus inspires the person, that whenever faced with trouble, no matter how dark the waters may get, he or she will rise above and let the beautiful flower in them bloom as long as they have a pure and sincere heart. A lotus flower remains closed in the murky waters and opens only at the top. This is the symbolic level of the Higher Spirit. Think of it as if like a gentleperson, who keeps themselves clean in a dirty environment. The symbology of the lotus has meaning exists beyond what can be described in words. The lotus flower stands for beauty and perfection in this transient ephemeral existence. Chinese love lotus flowers. The lotus, in China, can be used as the seat of the Buddha, the flower dedicated to the Buddha, the subject of a painting, the subject of a poem, or the representation of purity. When the time and place are different, the lotus has different meaning. To the people of India the lotus flower signifies purity and peace, a representation of the Manifestation of God. Rising pure and unsullied above stagnant, muddy waters, the Indians have seen this flower as worthy of emulation, teaching them to be detached from material preoccupations. It is because this flower is so revered in Indian mythology and cultures that its translation into the design of a temple has caught the attention of the people at large.

Ⅷ 唯美荷花手绘图片草稿

Ⅸ 手绘荷花电视背景墙怎么画

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